Friday, April 18, 2008


Most of us think that we know a lot about loving and knowing a lot about people who are not only close but mean the world to us. And yet, we fail to communicate successfully with each other.Is it because we do not really love each other the way, we would want to be loved?Is it the difference in our perspectives or is it simply because there is no connect......???


Nature Walker said...

Dear Quest,
If you talk to a German in Spanish. We all speak our own love languages with utter disregard to the language of the one we love. This does not make our love or teh love of the person whom we love any less... it only makes the communication very difficult. Occassionally we may break across the barriers and smile at the sunrise or teh cool breeze. These are the things that require no language.
If you feel it in your heart- it is love. If you feel it in your heart- it is a connection. You just have to find teh love language of the one you love, learn it, and communicate in it.

Quest said...

Thanks Nature walker for your feedback!
I do agree with you-only, I feel that most of the time women tend to make that effort more often than not. I don't know whether this eagerness is inherent to us?

Nature Walker said...

We fall in love hoping to live our life in the dream castle surrounded by greens and blue sky. Love is in the air kind of feeling. We- men and women alike- revell in the feeling of being loved and cared about. Soon, this becomes a given in life. It is like the sofa in your living/ sitting room. It is there. You donot appreciatet it much in everyday experience of just sinking into it. Sometrimes, when you are really worn out and find a moment of comfort or respite in sinking into the comfortable sofa, you thank the Lord for the comforts in your life. Same is the case with our relationships. men seem to feel more comfortable in the security of knowledge that their woman IS there! Hence, the difference.

Trust me when I tell you- they donot feel any less or any less strongly.