Monday, June 16, 2008


This one's for you, my dear brother!

It was so wonderful meeting you after such a long time-even if it was only for those couple of hours....I think it is close to good seven years that we actually spent time together.It really saddens me to think that now we are unable to take out time together, more often.

On my way back home I remembered many of the fun things we did together, which of course includes our Roni also! Remember, how you both- actually Roni more, really had a blast bullying me when we were kids!!And how I would plead for those little "favours" !!!

I cherish all those wonderful memories of our childhood...

I love you guys for being such wonderful brothers to me.....!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

This Week

These last couple of days...Whew!!! -Totally left me like a zombie!!!

As if, the other stresses in life were not enough, I had the stress of adjusting to my new place of work. For the first couple of days, I didn't find much to do-and the way I am, I literally begged for work-too impatient to get on......

And when work came-Oh dear!! Did it leave me in a dizzy spell! Although, I like to be surrounded with work and I love the madness that comes with it-but one thing that I absolutely detest is-chaos and unorganized work, whether it is home or office! It really unnerves me, if I don't find things in order or the pace of things slow,by my standards.

Here I was, in a situation where to say that things were chaotic, would only be an understatement! I worked for 9 hrs on average,mostly on the PC, without as much as picking up my head,till I got a splitting headache each day! Now,that really isn't a surprise to most of us-right??? But, what if I were to tell you that I was the only soul in the office on most of these days???

Now, I hope to see things coming on track ...and I am fervently praying......

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yet, Another Day!

I am feeling very low, yet again today! Nothing seems to be working right for me.........Just when I thought that I would be able to cope with this new situation that I have been thrown into-(or have I myself jumped into it??)things seem to have taken a u-turn! I find myself in a hopeless situation-and now I am left wondering how on earth am I going to surmount this one??I almost feel that I have reached a dead end!!Much like the situation of a butterfly trapped in a glass house( read this story long time back)-which can clearly see the beauty and light outside and desperately tries to break through the glass and set free, but alas! cannot- and in the process,breaks its fragile wings and is almost certain to die.........

Only a miracle will change this..........

Friday, May 9, 2008


The other day as I sat compiling my list of favourite quotes, my son,who was sitting right beside me,asked rather curiously as to what I was upto! I let him know and then went on to read one of the quotes on life- I think it was this one-"Life is what happens to you, while you're busy making other plans". As I began explaining it to him, he cut me short and very nonchalantly,in all his innocence replied;"Oh ma! but I do understand what it means-see, I just enjoy my every minute and so often I find you worrying about so many little things....."Was I taken by surprise? Sure, yes! Am I happy to know that my little son is really enjoying himself without any pressure,worry or fear!!Yes, very much!

I do hope he lives his life the way he sees it now!He gives me many reasons to smile and feel happy. Love you lots my son!

Friday, April 18, 2008


Most of us think that we know a lot about loving and knowing a lot about people who are not only close but mean the world to us. And yet, we fail to communicate successfully with each other.Is it because we do not really love each other the way, we would want to be loved?Is it the difference in our perspectives or is it simply because there is no connect......???