Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yet, Another Day!

I am feeling very low, yet again today! Nothing seems to be working right for me.........Just when I thought that I would be able to cope with this new situation that I have been thrown into-(or have I myself jumped into it??)things seem to have taken a u-turn! I find myself in a hopeless situation-and now I am left wondering how on earth am I going to surmount this one??I almost feel that I have reached a dead end!!Much like the situation of a butterfly trapped in a glass house( read this story long time back)-which can clearly see the beauty and light outside and desperately tries to break through the glass and set free, but alas! cannot- and in the process,breaks its fragile wings and is almost certain to die.........

Only a miracle will change this..........


Nature Walker said...

It is natural for all of us to feel desperate some of the time. The more passionate we are about life and love, the more strongly we end up feeling. The highs are heart-stoppingly, breathtakingly high and the lows are heartachingly, breath-stoppingly low. There are only two strategies that seem to work for us in these situations.

One- try to become a spectater ratehr than an actor in the drama. When you can examine what is happening from a third person perspective, you are often able to come up with a solution or atleast realise it is not all that bad.

Second is to live it moment to moment... a day at a time. Time DOES pass. To repeat a cliched statement, the darkest hour of the day is just before daybreak!

Take care... keep the faith...


Nature Walker said...

Dear Quest? Where are you? Has the miracle happened? Do take some time to laugh- even when you donot feel like it. It will help!
Lots of love,

Quest said...

Dear NW,

Thanks for being so very supportive! I really appreciate your concern and views!

Believe me, I am really trying very hard to deal with the situation-but you know how it is sometimes... no matter how hard you try-you feel getting entangled into it-almost leaving you gasping......
I do try to laugh,only I find tears rolling down....
I remember in one of your posts you mentioned about how some things have a way of rearing their ugly heads every now and then-some things just never leave you!They are a constant reminder of the pain we must feel....

I know things will eventually settle down. Only,some incidents really have a very profound affect-to the tune of changing our lives for ever!

And as for the story of the butterfly,well,it did not realize that someone had quietly opened the window behind it,to allow it to escape.Of course,the butterfly could never fly again because by then it had damaged its delicate wings -but it lived for some more time...

We do have a great capacity for endurance-and I have always been a diehard optimist.I know someone will open the window for me too-and untill then-hope,faith and quest will keep me alive...

Must add that it feels wonderful to know that there are people who care.....Thanks a ton!!!

Love and warm regards,


Nature Walker said...

Thanks for your thanks. We are good for each other's ego!;-)
You are ESPECIALLY good for mine! Thanks you for putting me on your page. I am flattered.
I hope I do justice to the faith you placed! LOL,